Monday, April 21, 2008

She's still within
waiting to be touched
that she knows It's alive.
Needing as much
to feel the pulse,
the life,
the breath on the body of It,
the hint
that all along
among the cries
she lived.
Waiting beside
a stand-up,
a hero,
child-bearing woman,
a wife,
It always sat.
in patience,
only a whisper
now and then
to remind the world
of It's presence,
and that a new revolution
was never
out of the question.
The new battle
has more than two sides.
There are lobbyists
and diplomats
and a mama back home
sending care packages
that withold
the dream -
That pulsing legacy that
A Mother Is Still A Woman
The woman within,
waiting in patience,
only a whisper
now and then
"The revolt is near,
It's a new revolution,
Wear a flower in your hair."

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